Codicil in a Will.


A codicil is a legal document that is used to make amendments or additions to an existing will. It is a way to modify specific provisions of a will without having to create an entirely new document. A codicil must be executed with the same formalities as a will and is typically signed, dated, and witnessed.

Here are some key points to consider regarding codicils:

  1. Purpose: A codicil is used when you want to make changes to your will, such as updating beneficiaries, modifying specific bequests, or altering the distribution of your assets.

  2. Legal Requirements: To be valid, a codicil generally needs to meet the same legal requirements as a will. These requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they typically involve the testator (the person making the will) signing the codicil in the presence of witnesses who also sign the document.

  3. Amendment vs. Codicil: Depending on the jurisdiction, a small amendment to a will may be allowed without using a codicil. In such cases, you may be able to make changes to the will by adding a separate document, known as an amendment or a supplement, rather than a codicil.

  4. Revocation and Incorporation: When creating a codicil, it's essential to consider how it will interact with your existing will. A codicil can revoke or replace specific provisions of the will, or it may incorporate the original will by reference, meaning that the will and codicil should be read together as a single document.

  5. Legal Advice: Creating a codicil involves legal considerations, and it is generally recommended to consult with an attorney specializing in estate planning to ensure the codicil complies with applicable laws and achieves your intended objectives.

It's important to note that while a codicil can be a useful tool for making changes to a will, it's not always the best solution. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to create a new will altogether to reflect your updated wishes. Consulting with an estate planning professional will help you determine the most suitable approach based on your specific circumstances.


Advocate Daxter Aujla.