Profanity / indecent speech
The right to speech is generally protected by the Constitution but there are two exceptions to this rule of law.
1. Profane and 2. indecent speech are punishable. The speech can be aired on media channels and the speech occurs in public schools in this case both are punishable by law.
This kind of profane and indecent speech is speech that is offensive or vulgar in nature and that is socially unacceptable language or expressions. Profanity and indecent speech have limitations by law and are not freedom of speech.
Under the First Amendment, The Freedom of Speech is not an absolute right. The rules of conduct are enforced in public places, workspaces, government institutions, and public schools. Violations are prosecuted and fines are imposed disciplinary actions are also taken even termination of jobs.
An individual has to be mindful of social norms and legal regulations use of profanity and indecent speech in regard to the audience present will have consequences. Respect for others and their sensitivity should guide one's communication.
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