Tenets Rights in California


Landlord needs to provide essential services such as:
  1. Heat
  2. Electricity
  3. Running Water
  4. Air Conditioning
  5. A Door Lock that works or is functional.
Landlord has to give a 60-day notice for increasing rent month to month to the tenant. The landlord cannot charge more than 5 % for the late fees.
The security deposit cannot be more than three times the rent.
Security Deposit can only be used for unpaid rent, cleaning, and repairs beyond reasonable wear and tear at the end of the lease.
The landlord cannot abuse the right to enter the property without notifying the tenant. Even in an Emergency situation, the landlord must give a 24-hour notice before entering the property.
The tenet landlord lease cannot waive rights given to the tenet by law.
The landlord's new rules have to be fair towards all tenets and should imply safety and convenience for the tenets.


Change locks on the property during the tenet residency in the property.
Landlord cannot use self-help evictions or just want to evict you on the whim or his fancy to make a tenets life a living hell to evict them off the property.
If there is a foreclosure proceeding on the property the landlord has to let the tenant know.
Landlord cannot discriminate against the tenant based on his race, sex, age, religion, skin color, national origin, disability, gender identity,ancestry, and family status.

Tenets can use alternate dispute resolution if there is a dispute with the landlord, they are less time-consuming and less expensive than going to trial.

If a person cannot afford the fee for the Court then one can get information on the fee waiver, as I will provide that too on my other blog entry.

Tenets have the right to live in safe habitable housing. The tenant can sue the landlord for retaliation and recover attorney fees.

As a tenant the landlord cannot evict you a tenant has the right to stay in the house until there is a court order for eviction.

The tenant can withhold rent if the housing is unsafe is damaged as the property needs repairs and maintenance.


Advocate Daxter Aujla.