Patent Law

Patent Law is a branch of intellectual property law and it deals with the protection of your inventions.
Exclusive rights will be granted to the investor through the patent law for a limited period of time it is typically 20 years from the filing date. It will protect your product from being used by others or others selling it, using it, or distributing it without the original inventor's permission.
Patent Law gives exclusive rights to his invention to the inventor. The inventor can also disclose their invention to the public and monetize on their inventions as the exclusive rights are guaranteed by the patent.
This law guarantees a monopoly for the inventor for a limited period of time so there is technological progress and also economic well-being. To obtain a patent the inventions should meet certain criteria also. The inventions need to be novel in that they are new and created for the first time and no one has disclosed the patent for the invention before. The invention should have some kind of industrial capability which means it can be used in some industry and also and it has to be obvious to someone in the relative field that the invention is new.



Advocate Daxter Aujla.