Patent Law Rights

 Once the patent law is granted the patent holder has the full rights by law to enforce his or her patent on others who may be infringing upon his or her rights.

One has to know that the patent law will vary from country to country. The principles of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and Patent Cooperation Treaty. The best is to consult with a qualified attorney to get more information on the process in the specific jurisdiction for the patent law to be implemented.

In the application process, the invention will file a detailed description of the invention. It will have detailed drawings of the invention defining the scope of the invention so the patent will come into existence with patent law and its rights but before that the patent officer will examine all the details of the patent.

If there is a patent-related dispute then the best is to hire a patent attorney who may guide you through the process as navigating the process by yourself may get challenging and one may need an attorney and the court in that jurisdiction of patent violation to take action. The attorney may have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the patent-related field as to what the laws procedures and practices are for patent protection in the particular jurisdiction.

The ownership of the patent will give its owner the right to exclude others from making using and offering for sale or even importing the invention into the United States or any other country that is claimed by another person or entity.

The patent owner has the right to decide who may or may not use his or her invention for the period of time that the invention is protected. The other person or entity cannot commercially use someone else's patent-protected invention. The invention cannot be produced, sold, distributed, or used without the owner's consent.


Advocate Daxter Aujla.