My (Daxter Aujla) JD in Law and MBA in Project Management (JD-MBA ADVANTAGE)

 The JD in Law made me into a Lawyer and my MBA in Project Management opens more doors. The job market is competitive JD-MBA makes you more competitive and many employers are looking for this kind of commitment. One can take out basically 5 years out of one's life to get to the point of having the JD-MBA degree if one is working part-time and if not then this is totally doable in 4 years from Bachelors Degree.

The tuition costs along with the dual degrees combined will be around an average of $ 50 thousand dollars per annum, this is just the tuition costs the living expenses, one can live frugally and can cut corners on the living expenses, with tuition apply for a scholarship and grants but the Universities will get their money.

On average, the fees and debt will be upwards of 200k for the full four years of the dual degrees combined but one can take so many scholarships and grants along the way and again live frugally that one will not feel the sting.

The advantage of JD-MBA is that you have the flexibility to choose the kind of job you want to do. From law firms to corporate jobs are huge numbers and one will again have to open the firm's doors or their corporation's door for one to train and groom you into the final product. The final product is marketable and in demand but to get to the point if one comes from nothing substantial is a mountain to climb, along the way many challenges and hardships will be there, and one would give up, but if one gives up then one looses all the hard work that one has put into the carrier and degree.

If one does all the market research as a lawyer to create more avenues for work MBA is the ultimate as Corporate doors will open up. There will be a cost attached to it. There are no free lunches in life. This degree prepares the client for finance, corporate legal departments, and business law, and one can work as an entrepreneur.

Many universities offer joint JD - MBA dual degrees. The program is rigorous, and the commitment is huge in time and financial resources. All schools offer the four-year program but it takes around five years to complete. The program is challenging as it develops advanced business management skills.

After JD- one will need to prepare for the State Bar Exam - best to take prep classes for it and pay the fees for the examination. This again is a challenging time for the candidate.

After MBA (Project Management ) one will have to pay for the certification in Project Management Professional which is short for PMP one will have to clear this also.

JD will enable you to become an attorney or a politician but this degree alone will not open Corporate doors for that to open one will need an MBA.

My own journey has not been an easy one, as I have spent a considerable time getting the degree with that scrum, sigma, and agile specializations all have taken time, and has been time-consuming and challenging taking the tests. The end result of my taking these courses is to make me more marketable and to stand out from the rest. I keep my physical fitness at the optimum so as to keep a positive physical image and to look the best in the Corporate Suit. The journey is challenging and long.

There are some people who got their JD - MBA after that pursued their MD Degrees. After all their degrees in Law and MBA still decided to become Medical Doctors as I believe they get used to a challenging life and want more challenges. But a considerable portion of their life will go into academic achievements.

I am currently pursuing my LLM in American Law from a prestigious University.


Advocate Daxter Aujla.