AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Law.

AI short for Artificial Intelligence will be used in the field of law for e-discovery, it is a process of scanning electronic information to get non priviledged case related information. What AI will do is that it will stream line the search process, it will search mountains of documents to bring out the relevant information. 

ChatGPT Software with its human-like language will take over much of the legal work. AI will make lawyers and paralegals more productive. Open AI the creator of ChatGPT will sort out important information in case files and documents for lawyers that is key in winning any case.ChatGPT as a technology tool is a very smart paralegal and will improve much more in time.  ChatGPT will draft out many of the deposition questions for lawyers while maintaining confidentiality.

AI as the software will help lawyers with research and enable them to perform their duty with due diligence. It will help lawyers with finding shortcuts to reaching important information and case analytics, this software will automate the creative process that is needed in building a strong case. The AI software also has case prediction technology as the software can generate the case outcome.

All companies conduct business through enforceable contracts as a result law touches every sphere of the business world.AI will automate the reading and interpretation of contracts as some can be thousands of pages long. Lawyers use AI to uncover mountains of discovery documents in a case. As AI will mimic human intelligence while using computers will see a lot fewer intentional mistakes.

Finally, AI will be the tool that lawyers use to review masses of data. AI will even take over the office work as it will automatically generate the invoices needed  AI will drastically reduce discovery review time and cost. AI will assist lawyers in client boarding tasks. It will calendar and schedule lawyer's meetings and interview with his or her clients. AI will assist lawyers in managing their all documents such as briefs, motions, pleadings, engagement letters and etc. The AI software will help lawyers rapidly find documents including many emails that the lawyers receive.


Advocate Daxter Aujla.